Nollywood actress Tonto Dikeh is extending her support and understanding to her fellow single people in the wake of her colleague Kunle Remi's wedding and gospel singer Moses Bliss' engagement. Tonto Dikeh, known for her candidness, shared how challenging the past week has been for the Singles Association of Nigeria.She revealed that she found solace under her cozy duvet, gushing over the newlyweds while pondering how her fellow singles managed to survive. In her own words, she said, "Dear single people, It's been a tough week. Whewwwwwwww! My fellow singles, how have you managed/survived this weekend? As for me, I'm here under my duvet, going 'awww awww aww,' and nobody can pressure me!" Tonto Dikeh, in her caption, sent hugs and kisses to everyone, urging her baddies to stay strong and find the inner strength to survive the upcoming Valentine's Day. She emphasized that nobody can pressure her and extended her congratulations to Moses Bliss and Kunle Remi. Let's stand strong, baddies, and face this season with resilience and fortitude.
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